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This is an electronic, digital copy of the Official Statement for the bonds referenced therein. This electronic Official Statement has been posted for informational purposes only and is not an offer to sell or a solicitation of an offer to buy any securities. The information and expressions of opinion in the Official Statement are subject to change without notice, and the provision of electronic access to the Official Statement shall not create any implication that there has been no change since the date thereof. This Official Statement will not be updated after the dated date thereof and information in the Official Statement may cease to be accurate after such date.
MWD currently anticipates that the disclosure documents prepared from time to time in connection with the offering and sale of securities by MWD may contain information updating or supplementing the information presented at this Web site. In addition, certain financial information and operating data, and information regarding certain material developments respecting MWD and securities from time to time issued by it, will be filed with the Municipal Securities Rulemaking Board's Electronic Municipal Market Access (EMMA) System from time to time. MWD in its discretion will determine whether to include such updated information on its website or to otherwise supplement, update or modify the information at this website. Furthermore, the information in each document or file is dated as of the date or dates indicated, and MWD disclaims any duty or obligation either to update the information contained at this website or to maintain the availability of such information. Reference should be made to those other sources to obtain such supplemental, updated or modified information.
Water Revenue Refunding Bonds, 2022 Series B
July 20, 2022
Special Variable Rate Water Revenue Refunding Bonds, 2022 Series C (Federally Taxable)
July 20, 2022
Water Revenue Refunding Bonds, 2022 Series A
June 22, 2022
Water Revenue Refunding Bonds, 2021 Series B
June 23, 2021
Variable Rate Subordinate Water Revenue Refunding Bonds, 2021 Series A (Federally Taxable)
June 15, 2021
Supplement to the Remarketing Statement, Dated May 12, 2021
Subordinate Water Revenue and Water Revenue Refunding Bonds, 2017 Series C, D, and E
May 18, 2021
Final Official Statement
Waterworks General Obligation Refunding Bonds
2020 Series A
Aug. 13, 2020
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MWD offers these rating agency links because the rating agencies provide information and additional perspectives relating to financial matters. MWD makes no representation or warranty of any kind with respect to these Web sites or their content and does not maintain, operate or take responsibility for what appears on these Web sites.
MWD does not endorse any opinion, report; product or service described in them and is not responsible for the accuracy, completeness or reliability of their content or information. Any use thereof is solely at the user's own risk.